create database if not exists one_make_dwb;
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_call_service;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_call_service(
id string comment '受理id(唯一标识)'
, code string comment '受理单唯一编码'
, call_date string comment '来电日期(日期id)'
, call_hour int comment '来电时间(小时)(事实维度)'
, call_type_id string comment '来电类型(事实维度)'
, call_type_name string comment '来电类型名称(事实维度)'
, process_way_id string comment '受理方式(事实维度)'
, process_way_name string comment '受理方式(事实维度)'
, oil_station_id string comment '油站id'
, userid string comment '受理人员id'
, cnt int comment '单据数量(指标列)'
, dispatch_cnt int comment '派工数量'
, cancellation_cnt int comment '派工单作废数量'
, chargeback_cnt int comment '派工单退单数量'
, interval int comment '受理时长(单位:秒)'
, tel_spt_cnt int comment '电话支持数量'
, on_site_spt_cnt int comment '现场安装、维修、改造、巡检数量'
, custm_visit_cnt int comment '回访单据数量'
, complain_cnt int comment '投诉单据数量'
, other_cnt int
comment '其他业务单据数量')
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_call_service';
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.tmp_dict
stored as orc
, dict_e.dictid
, dict_e.dictname
from one_make_dwd.eos_dict_type dict_t
left join one_make_dwd.eos_dict_entry dict_e
on dict_t.dt = '20210101' and dict_e.dt = '20210101' and dict_t.dicttypeid = dict_e.dicttypeid
order by dict_t.dicttypename, dict_e.dictid;
select * from one_make_dwb.tmp_dict where dicttypename = '来电类型';
select * from one_make_dwb.tmp_dict where dicttypename = '来电受理单--处理方式';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_call_service partition (dt = '20210101')
, call.code
, date_format(timestamp(call.call_time), 'yyyymmdd') as call_date
, hour(timestamp(call.call_time))
, call.call_type
, call_dict.dictname
, call.process_way
, process_dict.dictname
, call.call_oilstation_id
, call.accept_userid
, 1
, case when call.process_way = 5 then 1 else 0 end
, case when workorder.status = -1 then 1 else 0 end
, case when workorder.status = -2 then 1 else 0 end
, floor(to_unix_timestamp(timestamp(call.process_time),'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') - to_unix_timestamp(timestamp(call.call_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') / 1000.0)
, case when call.call_type = 5 then 1 else 0 end
, case when call.call_type in (1, 2, 3, 4) then 1 else 0 end
, case when call.call_type = 7 then 1 else 0 end
, case when call.call_type = 8 then 1 else 0 end
, case when call.call_type = 9 or call.call_type = 6 then 1 else 0 end
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_callaccept call
left join one_make_dwb.tmp_dict call_dict on call.call_type = call_dict.dictid and call_dict.dicttypename = '来电类型'
left join one_make_dwb.tmp_dict process_dict on call.process_way = process_dict.dictid and process_dict.dicttypename = '来电受理单--处理方式'
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder workorder on workorder.dt = '20210101' and workorder.callaccept_id = call.id
where call.dt = '20210101' and call.code != 'null' and call.call_time is not null;
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_oil_station;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_oil_station(
os_id string comment '油站id'
, os_name string comment '油站名称'
, os_code string comment '油站编码'
, province_id string comment '省份id'
, city_id string comment '城市id'
, county_id string comment '县id'
, status_id int comment '状态id'
, cstm_type_id int comment '客户分类id'
, os_num int comment '油站数量 默认为1'
, invalid_os_num int comment '已停用油站数量(状态为已停用为1,否则为0)'
, valid_os_num int comment '有效油站数量(状态为启用为1,否则为0)'
, current_new_os_num int comment '当日新增油站(新增油站为1,老油站为0)'
, current_invalid_os_num int comment '当日停用油站(当天停用的油站数量)'
, device_num int comment '油站设备数量'
comment "油站事实表"
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_oil_station';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_oil_station partition(dt = '20210101')
oil.id os_id
, name os_name
, code os_code
, province province_id
, city city_id
, region county_id
, status status_id
, customer_classify cstm_type_id
, 1 os_num
, case when status = 2 then 1 else 0 end invalid_os_num
, case when status = 1 then 1 else 0 end valid_os_num
, current_new_os_num
, case when current_invalid_os_num is null then 0 else current_invalid_os_num end current_invalid_os_num
, device_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_base_oilstation oil
left join (
, case when oil.id = his.id then 0 else 1 end current_new_os_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_base_oilstation oil
left outer join one_make_dwd.ciss_base_oilstation_history his
on oil.id = his.id where oil.dt = '20210101'
) oilnewhis on oil.id = oilnewhis.id
left join (
oil.id, count(oil.id) current_invalid_os_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_base_oilstation oil
where oil.dt = '20210101' and oil.status = 2 group by oil.id
) invalidos on oil.id = invalidos.id
left join (
oil.id, count(dev.id) device_num from one_make_dwd.ciss_base_oilstation oil
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_base_device_detail dev on oil.id = dev.oilstation_id
where oil.dt = '20210101'
group by oil.id
) devinfo on oil.id = devinfo.id;
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_worker_order;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_worker_order(
wo_id string comment '工单id'
, callaccept_id string comment '来电受理单id'
, oil_station_id string comment '油站id'
, userids string comment '服务该工单用户id(注意:可能会有多个,以逗号分隔)'
, wo_num bigint comment '工单单据数量'
, back_num bigint comment '退回工单数量,默认为0'
, abolished_num bigint comment '已作废工单数量'
, wait_dispatch_num bigint comment '待派工数量'
, wait_departure_num bigint comment '待出发数量'
, alread_complete_num bigint comment '已完工工单数量(已完工、已回访)'
, processing_num bigint comment '正在处理工单数量(待离站、待完工)'
, people_num int comment '工单人数数量(一个工单由多人完成)'
, service_total_duration int comment '服务总时长(按小时),(leave_time - start_time)'
, repair_service_duration int comment '报修响应时长(按小时),(start_time-submit_time)'
, customer_repair_num bigint comment '客户报修工单数量'
, charg_num bigint comment '收费工单数量'
, repair_device_num bigint comment '维修设备数量'
, install_device_num bigint comment '安装设备数据量'
, install_num bigint comment '安装单数量'
, repair_num bigint comment '维修单数量'
, remould_num bigint comment '改造单数量'
, inspection_num bigint comment '巡检单数量'
, workorder_trvl_exp decimal(20,1) comment '工单差旅费'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_worker_order';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_worker_order partition(dt = '20210101')
wo.id wo_id
, max(callaccept_id) callaccept_id
, max(oil_station_id) oil_station_id
, max(case when wo.service_userids is not null then concat_ws(',', wo.service_userid, wo.service_userids) else wo.service_userid end) userids
, count(wo.id) wo_num
, count(wob.id) back_num
, sum(case when status = '-1' then 1 else 0 end) abolished_num
, sum(case when status = '4' then 1 else 0 end) wait_dispatch_num
, sum(case when status = '2' then 1 else 0 end) wait_departure_num
, sum(case when status = '5' then 1 when status = '6' then 1 else 0 end) alread_complete_num
, sum(case when status = '3' then 1 when status = '4' then 1 else 0 end) processing_num
, case when count(usr.id) = 0 then 1 else count(usr.id) end people_num
, max((wo.leave_time - wo.start_time) / 3600000) service_total_duration
, max((wo.start_time - wo.submit_time) / 3600000) repair_service_duration
, sum(case when wo.is_customer_repairs = '2' then 1 else 0 end) customer_repairs
, sum(case when wo.is_charg = '1' then 1 else 0 end) charg_num
, max(case when sod.repair_device_num = 0 then 1 when sod.repair_device_num is null then 0 else sod.repair_device_num end) repair_device_num
, max(case when sod2.install_device_num = 0 then 1 when sod2.install_device_num is null then 0 else sod2.install_device_num end) install_device_num
, sum(case when sertype.installid is not null then 1 else 0 end) install_num
, sum(case when sertype.repairid is not null then 1 else 0 end) repair_num
, sum(case when sertype.remouldid is not null then 1 else 0 end) remould_num
, sum(case when sertype.inspectionid is not null then 1 else 0 end) inspection_num
, max(case when ed.submoney5 is null then 0.0 else ed.submoney5 end) workorder_trvl_exp
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder wo
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder_back wob on wo.id = wob.workorder_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder_user usr on wo.id = usr.workorder_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_trvl_exp_dtl ed on wo.id = ed.work_order_id
left join (
so.workorder_id, count(sod.id) repair_device_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order so
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device sod
on so.id = sod.service_order_id
where so.type = '2' and so.dt='20210101'
group by so.workorder_id
) sod on wo.id = sod.workorder_id
left join (
so.workorder_id, count(sod.id) install_device_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order so
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device sod
on so.id = sod.service_order_id
where so.type = '1' and so.dt='20210101'
group by so.workorder_id
) sod2 on wo.id = sod2.workorder_id
left join (
so.id, so.workorder_id, install.id installid, repair.id repairid, remould.id remouldid, inspection.id inspectionid
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order so
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_install install on so.id = install.service_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_repair repair on so.id = repair.service_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_remould remould on so.id = remould.service_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_inspection inspection on so.id = inspection.service_id
where so.dt = '20210101'
) sertype on wo.id = sertype.workorder_id
where wo.dt='20210101'
group by wo.id;
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_install;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_install(
inst_id string comment '安装单id'
, inst_code string comment '安装单编码'
, inst_type_id string comment '安装方式id'
, srv_user_id string comment '服务人员用户id'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, os_id string comment '油站id'
, date_id string comment '日期id'
, new_inst_num int comment '全新安装数量'
, debug_inst_num int comment '设备联调安装数量'
, repair_num int comment '产生维修安装单数量'
, ext_exp_num int comment '额外收费安装单数量'
, inst_device_num int comment '安装设备数量'
, exp_device_money int comment '安装费用'
, validated_inst_num int comment '审核安装单数量'
) comment '安装单事实表'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_srv_install';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_srv_install partition(dt = '20210101')
sinstall.id inst_id
, sinstall.code inst_code
, sinstall.install_way inst_type_id
, swo.service_userid srv_user_id
, swo.service_station_id ss_id
, swo.oil_station_id os_id
, swo.create_time date_id
, new_inst_num
, debug_inst_num
, repair_num
, ext_exp_num
, inst_device_num
, exp_device_money
, validated_inst_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_install sinstall
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sorder on sinstall.service_id = sorder.id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo on sorder.workorder_id = swo.id
left join (
case when install_type = 1 then 1 else 0 end new_inst_num,
case when install_way = 2 then 1 else 0 end debug_inst_num,
case when is_repair = 1 then 1 else 0 end repair_num,
case when is_pay = 1 then 1 else 0 end ext_exp_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_install
) installtype on sinstall.id = installtype.id
left join (
sorder.id, count(sodevice.id) inst_device_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sorder
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device sodevice on sorder.id = sodevice.service_order_id
group by sorder.id
) sodev on sorder.id = sodev.id
left join (
swo.id, sum(dtl.money5) exp_device_money
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_s_install_exp_rep_02_dtl dtl on swo.id = dtl.workorder_id
where dtl.dt = '20210101' and dtl.money5 is not null
group by swo.id
) dtl on swo.id = dtl.id
left join (
swo.id, case when ivalida.has_validate = 1 then 1 else 0 end validated_inst_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_install_validate ivalida on swo.id = ivalida.workorder_id
) validate on swo.id = validate.id where swo.service_userid is not null and sinstall.dt = '20210101';
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_repair;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_repair(
rpr_id string comment '维修单id'
, rpr_code string comment '维修单编码'
, srv_user_id string comment '服务人员用户id'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, os_id string comment '油站id'
, date_id string comment '日期id'
, exp_rpr_num string comment '收费维修数量'
, hour_money int comment '工时费用'
, parts_money int comment '配件费用'
, fars_money int comment '车船费用'
, rpr_device_num int comment '维修设备数量'
, rpr_mtrl_num int comment '维修配件数量'
, exchg_parts_num int comment '更换配件数量'
, upgrade_parts_num int comment '升级配件数量'
, fault_type_ids string comment '故障类型id集合'
) comment '维修单事实表'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_srv_repair';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_srv_repair partition(dt = '20210101')
repair.id rpr_id
, repair.code rpr_code
, swo.service_userid srv_user_id
, swo.service_station_id ss_id
, swo.oil_station_id os_id
, swo.create_time date_id
, case when repair.is_pay = 1 then 1 else 0 end exp_rpr_num
, repair.hour_charge hour_money
, repair.parts_charge parts_money
, repair.fares_charge fars_money
, rpr_device_num
, rpr_mtrl_num
, exchg_parts_num
, upgrade_parts_num
, fault_type_ids
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_repair repair
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sorder on repair.service_id = sorder.id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo on sorder.workorder_id = swo.id
left join (
rep.id, count(rep.id) rpr_device_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_repair rep
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sod on rep.service_id = sod.id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device dev on sod.id = dev.service_order_id
group by rep.id
) repairdvc on repair.id = repairdvc.id
left join (
sum(case when sfd.solution_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end) rpr_mtrl_num,
sum(case when sfd.solution_id = 2 then 1 else 0 end) exchg_parts_num,
sum(case when sfd.solution_id = 3 then 1 else 0 end) upgrade_parts_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_repair rep
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sod on rep.service_id = sod.id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device dev on sod.id = dev.service_order_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_fault_dtl sfd on dev.id = sfd.serviceorder_device_id
group by dev.id,rep.id
) dvcnum on repair.id = dvcnum.id
left join (
rep.id, concat_ws(',', collect_set(sfd.fault_type_id)) fault_type_ids
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_repair rep
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order sod on rep.service_id = sod.id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_order_device dev on sod.id = dev.service_order_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_fault_dtl sfd on dev.id = sfd.serviceorder_device_id
where sfd.fault_type_id is not null
group by rep.id
) faulttype on repair.id = faulttype.id
where repair.dt = '20210101';
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_rtn_visit;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_rtn_visit(
vst_id string comment '回访id'
, vst_code string comment '回访编号'
, wrkodr_id string comment '工单id'
, srv_user_id string comment '服务人员用户id'
, os_id string comment '油站id'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, vst_user_id string comment '回访人员id'
, satisfied_num int comment '满意数量'
, unsatisfied_num int comment '不满意数量'
, srv_atu_num int comment '服务态度满意数量'
, srv_bad_atu_num int comment '服务态度不满意数量'
, srv_rpr_prof_num int comment '服务维修水平满意数量'
, srv_rpr_unprof_num int comment '服务维修水平不满意数量'
, srv_high_res_num int comment '服务响应速度满意数量'
, srv_low_res_num int comment '服务响应速度不满意数量'
, rtn_rpr_num int comment '返修数量'
) comment '客户回访事实表'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_srv_rtn_visit';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_srv_rtn_visit partition(dt = '20210101')
visit.id vst_id
, visit.code vst_code
, visit.workorder_id wrkodr_id
, swo.service_userid srv_user_id
, swo.oil_station_id os_id
, swo.service_station_id ss_id
, visit.create_userid vst_user_id
, satisfied_num
, unsatisfied_num
, srv_atu_num
, srv_bad_atu_num
, srv_rpr_prof_num
, srv_rpr_unprof_num
, srv_high_res_num
, srv_low_res_num
, rtn_rpr_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_return_visit visit
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo on visit.workorder_id = swo.id
left join (
select visit.workorder_id,
sum(case when visit.service_attitude = 1 and visit.response_speed = 1 and visit.repair_level = 1 then 1 else 0 end) satisfied_num,
sum(case when visit.service_attitude = 0 then 1 when visit.response_speed = 0 then 1 when visit.repair_level = 0 then 1 when visit.yawp_problem_type = 0 then 1 else 0 end) unsatisfied_num,
sum(case when visit.service_attitude = 1 then 1 else 0 end) srv_atu_num,
sum(case when visit.service_attitude = 0 then 1 else 0 end) srv_bad_atu_num,
sum(case when visit.repair_level = 1 then 1 else 0 end) srv_rpr_prof_num,
sum(case when visit.repair_level = 0 then 1 else 0 end) srv_rpr_unprof_num,
sum(case when visit.response_speed = 1 then 1 else 0 end) srv_high_res_num,
sum(case when visit.response_speed = 0 then 1 else 0 end) srv_low_res_num,
sum(case when visit.is_repair = 1 then 1 else 0 end) rtn_rpr_num
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_return_visit visit
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder swo on visit.workorder_id = swo.id
where visit.dt = '20210101'
group by visit.workorder_id
) vstswo on visit.workorder_id = vstswo.workorder_id
where visit.dt = '20210101';
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_regular_exp;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_regular_exp(
exp_id string comment '费用报销id'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, srv_user_id string comment '服务人员id'
, actual_exp_money decimal(20,1) comment '费用实际报销金额'
, exp_item string comment '费用项目id'
, exp_item_name string comment '费用项目名称'
, exp_item_money decimal(20,1) comment '费用项目实际金额'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_regular_exp';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_regular_exp partition(dt = '20210101')
exp.id as exp_id
, ss.id as ss_id
, exp.create_user_id as srv_user_id
, exp.submoney5 as actual_exp_money
, dict.dictid as exp_item
, dict.dictname as exp_item_name
, exp_dtl.submoney5 as exp_item_money
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_expense_report
where dt = '20210101' and status = 9
) exp
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_base_servicestation ss
on ss.dt = '20210101' and ss.org_id = exp.create_org_id
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_exp_report_dtl exp_dtl
on exp_dtl.dt = '20210101' and exp.id = exp_dtl.exp_report_id
left join one_make_dwb.tmp_dict dict
on dict.dicttypename = '费用报销项目' and dict.dictid = exp_dtl.item_id;
drop table if exists one_make_dwb.fact_trvl_exp;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_trvl_exp(
trvl_exp_id string comment '差旅报销单id'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, srv_user_id string comment '服务人员id'
, biz_trip_money decimal(20,1) comment '外出差旅费用金额总计'
, in_city_traffic_money decimal(20,1) comment '市内交通费用金额总计'
, hotel_money decimal(20,1) comment '住宿费费用金额总计'
, fars_money decimal(20,1) comment '车船费用金额总计'
, subsidy_money decimal(20,1) comment '补助费用金额总计'
, road_toll_money decimal(20,1) comment '过桥过路费用金额总计'
, oil_money decimal(20,1) comment '油费金额总计'
, secondary_money decimal(20,1) comment '二单补助费用总计'
, third_money decimal(20,1) comment '三单补助费用总计'
, actual_total_money decimal(20,1) comment '费用报销总计'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_trvl_exp';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_trvl_exp partition(dt = '20210101')
exp_sum.id as trvl_exp_id
, wrk_odr.service_station_id as ss_id
, exp_sum.user_id as srv_user_id
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 1 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as biz_trip_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 2 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as in_city_traffic_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 3 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as hotel_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 4 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as fars_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 5 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as subsidy_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 6 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as road_toll_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 7 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as oil_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 8 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as secondary_money
, sum(case when trvl_dtl_sum.item = 9 then trvl_dtl_sum.item_money else 0 end) as third_money
, max(exp_sum.submoney5) as actual_total_money
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_trvl_exp_sum exp_sum
inner join one_make_dwd.ciss_s_exp_report_wo_payment r on exp_sum.dt = '20210101' and r.dt = '20210101' and exp_sum.id = r.exp_report_id and exp_sum.status = 15
inner join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_travel_expense exp on exp.dt = '20210101' and exp.id = r.workorder_travel_exp_id
inner join one_make_dwd.ciss_service_workorder wrk_odr on wrk_odr.dt = '20210101' and wrk_odr.id = exp.work_order_id
inner join (
travel_expense_id, item, sum(submoney5) as item_money
from one_make_dwd.ciss_service_trvl_exp_dtl
where dt = '20210101'
group by travel_expense_id, item
) as trvl_dtl_sum
on trvl_dtl_sum.travel_expense_id = exp.id
group by exp_sum.id, wrk_odr.service_station_id, exp_sum.user_id;
create table if not exists one_make_dwb.fact_srv_stn_ma(
ma_id string comment '申请单id'
, ma_code string comment '申请单编码'
, ss_id string comment '服务网点id'
, logi_id string comment '物流类型id'
, logi_cmp_id string comment '物流公司id'
, warehouse_id string comment '仓库id'
, total_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '申请物料总数量'
, total_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '申请物料总金额'
, ma_form_num decimal(10,0) comment '申请单数量'
, inst_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '安装申请物料数量'
, inst_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '安装申请物料金额'
, bn_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '保内申请物料数量'
, bn_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '保内申请物料金额'
, rmd_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '改造申请物料数量'
, rmd_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '改造申请物料金额'
, rpr_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '维修申请物料数量'
, rpr_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '维修申请物料金额'
, sales_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '销售申请物料数量'
, sales_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '销售申请物料金额'
, insp_m_num decimal(10,0) comment '巡检申请物料数量'
, insp_m_money decimal(10,1) comment '巡检申请物料金额'
partitioned by (dt string)
stored as orc
location '/test/dwb/one_make/fact_srv_stn_ma';
insert overwrite table one_make_dwb.fact_srv_stn_ma partition(dt = '20210101')
ma.id as ma_id,
ma.code as ma_code,
stn.id as ss_id,
ma.logistics_type as logi_id,
ma.logistics_company as logi_cmp_id,
ma.warehouse_code as warehouse_id,
sum(m_smry.cnt) as total_m_num ,
sum(m_smry.money) as total_m_money,
count(1) as ma_form_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 1 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as inst_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 1 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as inst_m_money,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 2 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as bn_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 2 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as bn_m_money,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 3 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as rmd_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 3 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as rmd_m_money,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 4 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as rpr_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 4 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as rpr_m_money,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 5 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as sales_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 5 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as sales_m_money,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 6 then m_smry.cnt else 0 end) as insp_m_num,
sum(case when m_smry.ma_rsn = 6 then m_smry.money else 0 end) as insp_m_money
from (
select *
from one_make_dwd.ciss_material_wdwl_sqd
where dt = '20210101' and status = 8
) ma
left join one_make_dwd.ciss_base_servicestation stn
on stn.dt = '20210101' and ma.service_station_code = stn.code
left join (
dtl.wdwl_sqd_id as wdwl_sqd_id,
dtl.application_reason as ma_rsn,
sum(dtl.count_approve) as cnt,
sum(dtl.price * dtl.count) as money
from one_make_dwd.ciss_material_wdwl_sqd_dtl dtl
where dtl.dt = '20210101'
group by dtl.wdwl_sqd_id, dtl.application_reason
) m_smry on m_smry.wdwl_sqd_id = ma.id
group by ma.id, ma.code, stn.id, ma.logistics_type, ma.logistics_company, ma.warehouse_code;