Kompose is in EPEL CentOS repository. If you don't have EPEL repository already installed and enabled you can do it by running sudo yum install epel-release
If you have EPEL enabled in your system, you can install Kompose like any other package.
sudo yum -y install kompose
GitHub release
Kompose is released via GitHub on a three-week cycle, you can see all current releases on the GitHub release page.
Linux and macOS:
# Linux
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/releases/download/v1.27.0/kompose-linux-amd64 -o kompose
# macOS
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/releases/download/v1.27.0/kompose-darwin-amd64 -o kompose
chmod +x kompose
sudo mv ./kompose /usr/local/bin/kompose
Use Case
Convert docker-compose.yaml into Kubernetes deployments and services with one simple command:
$ kompose convert -f docker-compose.yaml
INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-deployment.yaml" created
Shell autocompletion
We support Bash, Zsh and Fish autocompletion.
# Bash (add to .bashrc for persistence)
source <(kompose completion bash)
# Zsh (add to .zshrc for persistence)
source <(kompose completion zsh)
# Fish autocompletion
kompose completion fish | source